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Dean Cornwell


After thinking over all of the dishes that I like—searching for the favorite—I come right back to the old standby, Spaghetti, and am forced to admit that it is my favorite.

You know how to cook the spaghetti itself, I'm sure, so I will just tell you how to make the sauce that I concocted some years ago and you'll like it.

Get a big iron kettle and put into it a lot of fine beef cut into small squares, some chopped bacon, dried mushrooms (the kind you get at any little Italian store) a can of tomatoes and some sliced onions. The dried mushrooms should be soaked for an hour or two before cooking.

Cover the materials with plenty of water and season with salt, brown sugar, and Mexican chili powder. Cook slowly all day — the longer the better, I find. When you are simply famished and cannot wait any longer, ladle the sauce onto the steaming hot spaghetti and enjoy a real meal. The sauce is still better, in my opinion, when warmed up the second day.
