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It is certainly surprising that the child should have got so far, in the manner he must have been frequently compelled to force himself through the bush. He is not three feet high. His clothes were much torn, and his body was covered with scratches and bruises.

Mr. Norcott, in speaking of the conduct of the natives, conceives that he cannot too highly commend their behaviour, and adduces this circumstance as an instance of the great advantage derived from having these two natives, Migo and Molly-dobbin, permanently attached to the Corps.—Extract from the W. A. Journal of Jan. 3, 1835.


Government Notice.

Perth, August 22, 1834.

Instructions having been received by me from his Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies to appoint Mr. W. H. Mackie as Commissioner of the Civil Court, under an arrangement made by authority of his Majesty’s Government for consolidating in one individual the two offices of Criminal and Civil Judge, hitherto held respectively by Mr. W. H. Mackie, as Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, and by Mr. G. F. Moore, as Civil Commissioner; the cessation of Mr. Moore’s duties in the Civil Court, pursuant to those instructions, affords me the opportunity of expressing in the most public manner my unqualified approbation of his conduct while he has held that office. Qualified no less by education than by natural talent and temper for administering justice with wisdom and integrity, the necessity which has led to this discontinuance of Mr. Moore’s duties in the Civil Court will be duly appreciated by the public at large, no less than by myself; and he will have the satisfaction of carrying with him, into whatever employment, whether of a public or private nature, which he may undertake, not only the consciousness of high desert, but of knowing, from this public testimony to his merit, the esteem in which he is held by me, as the chief authority in this settlement.

(Signed)James Stirling,
By His Excellency’s Command.Governor.
(Signed)Peter Brown, Colonial Secretary.