Page:The State and Position of Western Australia.djvu/32

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ward of that formidable Cape, that the passage to and from the Mauritius is favourable throughout the year.

The following is a table of the distances, in the favourable season, from Swan River to the undermentioned countries. The passage, however, to Ceylon and Madras has occasionally been performed in much shorter time.

Distance. Time.
To Timor 1,500 miles 12 days.
Java 1,700 15
Madras 3,400 25
Ceylon 3,100 23
Mauritius 3,400 21
Cape of Good Hope 5,000 31
Van Diemen’s Land 2,200 12
Sydney 2,600 16

The season most propitious for making a voyage from the colony to India, is from the beginning of April to the beginning of September. By leaving Swan River during that period, a vessel immediately gets into the south-east trade-wind, which carries her across the line, when she meets with the south-west monsoon, that takes her at once to Madras. At this season, fine weather may be reckoned upon for the whole of the way. The Merope, under Capt. Pollock, which conveyed a detachment of the 63rd Regt. from Swan River to Madras, arrived in the roads at the latter place on the 16th of May 1834, after a voyage of nineteen days.

In his voyage from England to the colony, and in returning home, the author was, on each occasion, at sea about three months and a half. The passage out and home, at the proper seasons, is both safe and agreeable. With a view to fine weather while passing the Cape, and on his arrival on the coast, it is desirable that the emigrant should not arrive at those places during the winter season, which answers to our summer.