Page:The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1833 (3 & 4 William IV).pdf/848

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C. 85.
3° & 4° GULIELMI IV.
A.D. 1833.

such Disallowance, the said Governor General in Council shall forthwith repeal all Laws and Regulations so disallowed.

All such Laws and Regulations to be of the same Force as any Act of Parliament.XLV. Provided also, and be it enacted, That all Laws and Regulations made as aforesaid, so long as they shall remain unrepealed, shall be of the same Force and Effect within and throughout the said Territories as any Act of Parliament would or ought to be within the same Territories, and shall be taken notice of by all Courts of Justice whatsoever within the same Territories, in the same Manner as any Public Act of Parliament would and ought to be taken notice of; and it shall not be necessary to register or publish in any Court of Justice any Laws or Regulations made by the said Governor General in Council.

Restricting the Power of punishing with Death European Subjects, &c.XLVI. Provided also, and be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the said Governor General in Council, without the previous Sanction of the said Court of Directors, to make any Law or Regulation whereby Power shall be given to any Courts of Justice, other than the Courts of Justice established by His Majesty’s Charters, to sentence to the Punishment of Death any of His Majesty's natural-born Subjects born in Europe, or the Children of such Subjects, or which shall abolish any of the Courts of Justice established by His Majesty’s Charters.

The Court to submit to the Board Rules for the Procedure of the Governor General in Council. Rules to be laid before Parliament.XLVII. And be it enacted, That the said Court of Directors shall forthwith submit, for the Approbation of the said Board, such Rules as they shall deem expedient for the Procedure of the Governor General in Council in the Discharge and Exercise of all Powers, Functions, and Duties imposed on or vested in him by virtue of this Act, or to be imposed or vested in him by any other Act or Acts; which Rules shall prescribe the Modes of Promulgation of any Laws or Regulations to be made by the said Governor General in Council, and of the Authentication of all Acts and Proceedings whatsoever of the said Governor General in Council; and such Rules, when approved by the said Board of Commissioners, shall be of the same Force as if they had been inserted in this Act: Provided always, that such Rules shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament in the Session next after the Approval thereof.

Quorum of Governor General and Members in Council.XLVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all Laws and Regulations shall be made at some Meeting of the Council at which the said Governor General and at least Three of the Ordinary Members of Council shall be assembled, and that all other Functions of the said Governor General in Council may be exercised by the said Governor General and One or more Ordinary Member or Members of Council, and that in every Case of Difference of Opinion at Meetings of the said Council where there shall be an Equality of Voices the said Governor General shall have Two Votes or the casting Vote.

Manner of Proceeding when any Measure is proposed whereby the Safety or Peace of India may be essentially affected.XLIX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That when and so often as any Measure shall be proposed before the said Governor General in Council, whereby the Safety, Tranquillity or Interests of the British Possessions in India, or any Part thereof, are or may be, in the Judgment of the said Governor General, essentially affected, and the said Governor General shall be of opinion either that the Measure so proposed ought to be adopted or carried into execution, or that the same ought to be suspended or
