Page:The Story and Song of Black Roderick.djvu/10

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ing jest from his mouth. All rode silent amongst their gay trappings, for so saith a song:

It was the Black Earl Roderick
    Who rode towards the south;
The frown was heavy on his brow,
    The sneer upon his mouth.

Behind him rode a hundred men
    All gay with plume and spear;
But not a one did lilt a song
    His weary way to cheer.

So stern was Black Earl Roderick
    Upon his wedding-day,
To none he spake a single word
    Who met him on his way.

And of those that passed him as he went there were none who dared to bid him Godspeed, and only one whispered at all; she was Mora of the Knowledge, who was picking herbs in a lonely place and saw him ride.

‘There goeth the hunter,’ said she; ‘'tis a white doe that thou wouldst kill. High