Page:The Story and Song of Black Roderick.djvu/32

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girl so full of fear, he chid her cruelly and bade her go. Yet when she had left him he felt a strange and unwonted coldness settle upon his heart.

The anger against his young bride was quenched, and a dew-like fear grew upon him. But of what befell him I shall now sing to thee, lest thou grow weary of my prose:

All silent Black Earl Roderick
Went to his room away,
Full angry, with his throbbing heart
And fitful fancy's play.

He sat him by the bright hearth-side,
And turned towards the door;
And there upon the threshold stood
His lady, weeping sore.

He chased her down the winding stair,
And out into the night,
But only found a withered crone,
With long hair, loose and white.