Page:The Story and Song of Black Roderick.djvu/74

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‘Thy little hands and feet are soft with the fragrant places of heaven; much wilt thou suffer if thou goest forth.’

And again he said:

‘How canst thou leave the beauty and love of Paradise, wherein thou mayst enter no more save thou art strong enough to conquer great dangers?’

But the little soul listened not to him, but passed through the gates in eager hurry. And as she went the angel followed her with his gaze; and so great was his pity—for he thought she might not re-enter the kingdom of heaven—that tears fell from his eyes upon her hand. Now, when the little bride went forth from the gates of heaven a chill wind blew upon her, so she well-nigh fell upon the earth in anguish; but she took the two tears that had fallen from the angel's eyes and hid them in her heart, and she became warm, and the sharp earth did not hurt her feet, nor did the wind of the cold world harm her.

Now, when the spirit of the little bride came