Page:The Story and Song of Black Roderick.djvu/83

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and his tortures in vain. Seeing her so endeavoring, the evil one spoke, saying:

‘What hast thou about thee, little soul, that thou art free from my fire and torments?’

Then the little bride remembered the tears she had hidden in her heart, that had fallen upon her in heaven from the angel's eyes, and she drew them forth.

And the tears spoke to her, saying:

‘Put us not away, lest the torments overpower thee, so thou mayst never come to the kingdom of heaven.’

But the little bride lifted them upon the heart and mouth of Black Roderick, so he suffered no more the cruel tortures of the lost. Now, when the evil one saw this, he smiled to himself, ‘For,’ quoth he, ‘now will she know temptations, since she hath put away the angel's tears, and hath no protection save her own strength.’

And so bitter were her sufferings that the little bride cried out it was more than she could bear.