Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/22

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Tongue can tell.—Masked.—No light Work.—"Are you Aunt Becky."—Blind forever.—Noble old Massachusetts.—Her dying Heroes.—War's ruthless Hand.—Plenty of Beds.—The Battle's Harvest.—The growing Corn.—General Burnside.—Two Thousand.—Dr. Johnson.—Our Cooks.—The lessons of Home.—Boy Soldiers.—Under the Knife.—A useless Rag.—My Fortress.—No Wish to leave.—Fortunate beyond Measure.—Reposing on Laurels
Recurring Death-beds.—Bitter Sorrow.—Booming Cannon.—A Visit to the Front.—The War Horse.—Falling off.—Graves of the Dead.—Deserted Homes.—My Riding-habit.—The wounded Man.—A horrible Fissure.—The kindly suggestion.—The old Battle-field.—The Captain's Grave.—Greetings.—Poetry at the Front.—"Missus, you'd better git out dar."—Deadly Missiles.—Hard Tack and Bacon grease. — The Sail on the River.—Guerrillas.—Death of Mr. Wilson.—A Testimonial.—Division of the Hospital.—Diminishing Stores.—A Printing Press.—Red Tape.—Our Laundry.—At the River Side.—The mysterious Coil.—The sable Dead.—Distributing her Effects.—A doleful Spirit.—Dancing and Prayer.—Wooing and Wedding.—An exasperated lover.—The sudden Retreat
July Sunshine.—The bloody Thirtieth.—Making Room.—The burnt Dress.—The welcome Weed.—Sending off.—A Soldier's Money.—The Rebuff.—The persistent Nurse.—Victory final.—An angry Surgeon.—Waiting for the Work.—Making Chicken Broth.—A Sun-stroke.—Every Place full.—The improvised Shelter.—The wounded Rebels.—Such piteous Moans.—The little Drummer Boy.—"Mother will be alone now."—The noble Dead.—In the better Land.—Still they come.—The unrecognized Soldier.—Looking for the Wounded.—Broken Speech.—A new Hospital.—No Sweets of Friendship