Page:The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson.djvu/199

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'Tooth-fence took I, And tongue likewise, Ears' sounding chambers And sheltering eaves. And better deemed I Than brightest gold The gift then given By glorious king.


'There a staunch stay Stood by my side, One man worth many Of meaner wights, Mine own true friend Whom trusty I found, High-couraged ever In counsels bold.


'Arinbjorn Alone us saved Foremost of champions From fury of king; Friend of the monarch He framed no lies Within that palace Of warlike prince.


'Of the stay of our house Still spake he truth, (While much he honoured My hero-deeds) Of the son of Kveldulf, Whom fair-haired king Slew for a slander, But honoured slain.


'Wrong were it if he Who wrought me good, Gold-spender lavish, Such gifts had cast To the wasteful tract Of the wild sea-mew, To the surge rough-ridden By sea-kings' steeds.


'False to my friend Were I fairly called, An untrue steward Of Odin's cup; Of praise unworthy, Pledge-breaker vile, If I for such good Gave nought again.


'Now better seeth The bard to climb With feet poetic The frowning steep, And set forth open In sight of all The laud and honour Of high-born chief.


'Now shall my voice-plane Shape into song Virtues full many Of valiant friend. Ready on tongue Twofold they lie, Yea, threefold praises Of Thorir's son.


'First tell I forth What far is known, Openly bruited In ears of all; How generous of mood Men deem this lord, Bjorn of the hearth-fire The birchwood's bane.


'Folk bear witness With wond'ring praise, How to all guests Good gifts he gives: For Bjorn of the hearth-stone Is blest with store Freely and fully By Frey and Njord.
