Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/10

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Pharaoh on the throne, and was ruler over all the land of Egypt, that he showed how wise and good a governor he was. By his prudence and care he provided the means of saving the people of Egypt, and those of many other countries, from great suffering, and even from starvation, during a famine which lasted without intermission for the long period of seven years. It was then, also, when in the height of his glory, that he behaved with so much tenderness and manifested such forgiving love to his brethren, from whom he had received nothing but hatred and injury.

Jacob had, as you know, twelve sons. Joseph and Benjamin were the two youngest. They were the sons of the same mother. For Jacob, you are aware, had two wives, one named Leah and the other Rachel. Rachel was the younger and more beautiful daughter of Laban whom Jacob loved first and loved most. He desired to have Rachel, and Rachel only; but it was the custom in those days, and in the country where Laban lived, that the elder daughter must be married before the younger. Jacob,