Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/109

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more shall we be saved by His life. The salvation that follows reconciliation was presented by the house of Israel being saved from famine and kept alive by the provision which Joseph made for them, after he reconciled his brethren to himself, when our Divine Saviour has overcome enmity, and by His inconceivable love turned us into friends, then does He save by His life, feeding our souls with the living bread which is Himself. This salvation by the Lord's life is admirably expressed by the apostle, where he says—"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you; according to the riches of His glory, to strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge, that might be filled with all the fulness of God (Eph. iii 14.)