Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/127

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daughters of the priest of Midian came to draw water from the well, the evil shepherds drove them away. (Ex. ii. 3). So there are evil spirits, and evil companions that would drive us away from the Holy Well, whence we draw the water of life. These are the archers that Jacob says "sorely grieved Joseph, and shot at him, and hated him." All who strive to lead a holy life meet with opposition; and sometimes they are too much inclined to yield, and fall away. But not so did Joseph; nor must you who hope to obtain Joseph's blessing. "His bow abode in strength." So must yours. And what is your bow? The Christian's bow is the doctrine of faith and life, the armour which he receives from "the Captain of his salvation." And how is the young Christian's bow to abide in strength? As Joseph's did. "The arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob." He must use his hands, or exert his power; but he must not trust in his own power alone, so as to say, "Mine own arm hath gotten me the victory;" he must pray for and trust in the power which comes from God