Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/18

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Joseph was, as we should say, his father's favourite, and his brothers could not bear to think that he should be regarded by him with any preference, however innocent or just that preference might be. The apostle advises Christians to prefer one another in love. Joseph's brethren did not feel disposed to do this. Elder brothers should not be envious of the greater love which their parents bestow upon their younger brothers. They most require their parents' tender care, and there is no just reason for displeasure that they receive it. How natural is the description here of an unbrotherly spirit and conduct! "They hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him." How like is this description of a family, who lived four thousand years ago, to many families that we live amongst at this present day! It is the description of fallen and corrupt human nature in all ages, when people give way to their evil natural dispositions. How often do we find that brothers and sisters, whom God intended to love and speak lovingly to one another, yet cannot speak peaceably to each other. And how sad it is when some one of a