Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/8

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neighbour as themselves includes love to their brothers and sisters. And what God requires us to do as a duty, and as a means to make others happy, He intends to be the means of making ourselves happy. Indeed, there is no way of being happy but by doing what will contribute to the happiness of others. The happiness of home depends upon every one of the family trying to make home happy, by acts of goodness and kindness to all who belong to it. This requires every one to be orderly, good tempered, serviceable, unselfish, sincere, forbearing, forgiving, and kind. Obedience to father and mother is the very first thing on which the welfare and happiness of a family depends, and that which is above all things necessary to make a happy home.

I am here assuming that parents are such as to render them worthy of the honour and duty of their children. Not that children before their proper age are to decide for themselves how far they are bound to render homage and obedience to their parents. But the kind and measure of honour which parents receive from their children must be in a great measure