Page:The Story of Joseph and His Brethren.djvu/85

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prophecies of the Lord being cast into the pit. As in Lamentations iv. 20—"The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the Lord, was taken in their pits." Before Joseph's brethren cast him into a pit, they stript him of his coat. The Jews literally stript Jesus of His coat before His crucifixion. In the fifteenth chapter of Mark we find that, when Pilate had delivered Jesus into the hands of the people to be scourged and crucified, they put a purple robe on Him, and a crown of thorns on His head, and in profane mockery saluted Him, saying—"Hail, King of the Jews." It is not said that they stript Jesus of His own raiment, for this is implied by their scourging Him; but when we read at the twentieth verse that they took off the purple robe and put His own clothes on Him, we learn that they had previously taken His own clothes off. This was done again at His crucifixion, when they parted His outer garments and cast lots on His vesture, which was his inner garment The outer garment of Jesus was a similar one to the coat of Joseph. This garment, too, like the coat of Joseph, was of several pieces, while