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280; defeats a French squad- Texcuco, Lake, 12, 219
ron, 281; his home at Manga Texcuco, kingdom of, 44; gold-
la Clava, 282; rivalry with en age of, 53; literature of,
Pedraza, 283; with Meija, 54; decline of, 60; the king-
284; president again, 287; at dom divided, 130
the head of the army, 308; Tezcatlipoca, 23, 30
returns from Cuba, 320; in Tezcotzinco, 56
the war with the United Tezozomoc, king of Azcapot-
States, 330-338; retires to zalco, 44, 94
Jamaica, 340; made Dictator, "Three Guaranties, The," 261
344; conspires against the Tierra caliente, 402
government, 387; banished, Tixiacuri, 66
388; death of, 388, 398 Tizoc, reign of, 101
Schools of Mexico, 415 Tlacopan, kingdom of, 42
Scott, Winfield, 323, 324, 328, Tlatelolca, 97, 167
330, 337. 339 Tlaxcalla, subject to the Chi-
Serape, 406 chimecs, 41; the name, 46,
Shining Serpent, see Quetzal- 47; Cortés goes to, 144; posi-
coatl tion of, 151; resists the Span-
Sicuiracha, 65 iards, 152; forced to make
Small-pox among the Aztecs, peace, 153; head-quarters of
167 Cortés, 172
Spanish, expelled from Mexico, Tollan, see Tula
274 Tollanzinco, 24
St. Domingo, 135 Toltecs, legend of their origin,
Sun, sacrifices to, 102 23; traditions of, 24; appear-
ance of, 26; customs of, 27;
T duration of the kingdom, 37;
Tabasco River, 133, 139 wars, 40; defeated, 41
Tamaulipas, 270 Toluca, 28
Tangoxoan II., 67, 176 Tonacatecuhtli, 27
Tarascans, 65; customs of, 68 Topiltzin-Meconetzin, 37
Taylor, General, 312, 316, 337, Trujillo, 245
339 Tula, 17, 24, 41, 71
Tecpancaltzin, 28, 36 Tzintzuntzan, 66, 67, 198
Tehuacan, 254
"Temple of the Cross," 74 U
Tenoch, 89, 90
Tenochtitlan, 43, 88, 126, 175 Ulmecas, tribe of, 18
Teocallis, 9 United States, result of the war
Teotihuacan, pyramid of, 18; with Mexico, 339; action of,
city of, 28; visited by Hum- regarding the Mexican Em-
boldt, 229 pire, 365
Tepanecas, tribe of, 43, 44, 87,
91 V
Tequila, 36
Texas, revolts against Mexico, Valencia, Fray Martin de, 193
305; annexed to the United Valencia, General, 284, 287
States, 306; in the treaty of Valenciana, Count of, see Obre-
Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 338 gon