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<a name="Chapter-XXXV" id="Chapter-XXXV">CHAPTER XXXV
How the Man of the Long Step that Whistles Most of the Time Takes an Interesting Walk.</a>

One of my tooths is loose and a queer feel. This morning, after I did come back from prayers in the cathedral with Thomas Chatterton Jupiter Zeus, it was then I did have feels of that tooth. It was funny feels—its being loose. After I did eat some of my mush, I did go to the string-box and I pulled out a string. It was a white one. There was lots of white strings in that box, and a pink one and a green one. I put the white string back and I pulled out the green one. It was long—very long—feets long. I did tie one part of it around my tooth with carefuls. Then I did come a walk over to where the broom stands behind the back door. I did tie the other end of the long green string to the broom-handle. And I kept hold of the middle of the string in my hand so when the broom had falls it would n't give a bump to my tooth when it did pull it out. I went a walk off. The tooth did n't come out. The green string did just have a slip off the broom-handle.

I carried the string in a careful way while I did go to bring in the wood and other morning works the mamma did want done when she went away to the grandma's house. When the works was done,