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for the angels to bring them a baby real soon, with pink fleurs

on its baby brush and a pink bow on its cradle-quilt.

And in the bushes there was a little bird and restless was upon him. The color of him was blue-gray, and there were streaks underneath and there was a bit of yellow on his throat and so on top of his head. He did move in a quick way. I so did, so I could see him more. As I did go along a-following him after, I did have sees of the tracks of the comings and goings of little wood-folks. And a way away was a soft-eyed faon. When it's with its mother, then it is a daine. There was whispers in the ferns and more songs in the tree-tops. And my tooth had some more queer feels, and I had remembers about the green string tied to the door-knob.

I went a walk back. It was still there when I was come to the house we live in. Brave Horatius was by the steps. He did have watches of me while I did tie the other end of the long green string around my tooth. Then I went a quick walk to the other door by step-backs. I made a reach out for the green string. But it was n't. It was on the floor, and my tooth was. After I did throw it away, then I did do the green string up in a roll. I am going to keep it.

I went goes to the garden to get the beets the mamma did want for supper. While I did get them, I did have seeing that the green dresses of the