Page:The Story of the Cheeryble Grants.djvu/19

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I desire very cordially to thank Mr. George Lewis, J. P., Vicar's Knowe, Selkirk, who first read the MS., for wise counsel; Mr. "William J. McKenzie, now of the " Torquay Times," for the intelligent interest he so willingly evinced in matters relating to his native Strathspey, and especially for laying the earlier chapters of this volume before his venerable father, Mr. Alexander McKenzie, of Stank House, near Elgin, who has since passed away; Mr. George Haworth, Photo- grapher, Ramsbottom, for photographic assistance ; and Mr. Arthur Humphreys, of the Dickens Fellowship, Manchester, for his most helpful interest, and especially in the preparation of the Index. W. Hume Elliot.