Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/242

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The Story of the House of Cassell

Lovers of porcelain have been delighted with exquisite reproductions of specimens of the ceramic art, such as Bahr's "Old Chinese Porcelain" and Hobson's "Chinese Pottery and Porcelain," the latter in two volumes, in a limited edition presently priced at £21.

Nor have those who want to be technically instructed in drawing and painting been overlooked. In the Catalogue appear MacWhirter's "Sketch Book" and his "Landscape Painting in Water Colours," Wyllie's "Wyllie|Sketch Book" and "Marine Painting in Water Colour," Sir Alfred East's "Art of Landscape Painting in Oil Colour," and the Hon. John Collier's "Art of Portrait Painting." The House, too, has been the medium of making Professor Duval's "Artistic Anatomy" available to English readers.

The books just named belong to the educational section, wherein are many works for schools, primary and secondary, among them Arnold-Forster's animated books, of which many hundreds of thousands of copies have been sold—his "Citizen Reader," his "Things New and Old," and his "History of England"; also expositions of hygiene for boys and girls, and delightful books on botany and nature study, including the well-known "Eyes and No Eyes" series, by Arabella Buckley (Mrs. Fisher). This gifted writer has explained how she came to undertake it. "In May, 1900," she writes, "Mr. Arnold-Forster wrote to me saying that the Education Department were going to make Nature Study a feature in the Board Schools, and that Cassell's wished to bring out at once six books on plants and animals suitable for the six school standards. I accepted the task for the love of the children, and it has been a great pleasure to me to find that it has done the work I hoped to accomplish. This was no doubt partly due to the beautiful illustrations produced by Mr. Muckley, with whom I had most pleasant relations."

There are few branches of publishing in which