Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/293

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Hewlett, Maurice, 219
Hichens, Robert, 220
Hill, Davenport, 30
Hindenburg, von, his biographical work, 185, 204
Hird, B. Whitworth, and General Press, 156
Hirst, F. W., 180
Hislop, Stephen, 165
Historical works, 170 et seq.
History—of England, Illustrated, 33 et seq., 170; of Modern Europe, 175; of Our Own Times, 80; of the Russo-Turkish War, 171; of the United Stales, 171; of the War between France and Germany, 171
Hobson, R. L., 202
Hodder, Edwin—"Cities of the World," 181; "Conquests of the Cross," 180; "Life of Lord Shaftesbury," 66
Hodges, Sydney, 97
Hodgson, J. T., 100
Holliday, Henry, 97
"Holy Land and the Bible," 199
Holyoake, G. J., and taxes on knowledge, 43
Hooker, Sir William, 165
Hope, Anthony, 219
Hopkins, Tighe, 118
Hornung, E. W., 219
and "Raffles," 118
Horton, Dr. R. F., 121
Hospital Saturday Fund, 83
Houghton, A. B., 106
Howard, George (Earl of Carlisle), 99
Howitt, Mr. and Mrs., 12, 96
Howitt, William, continues "History of England," 33
Hulme, Professor, 191
Hume, Joseph, 13
Humphreys, Arthur, 10
"Hundred Days, The," 119
Hunt, Rev. Dr. Bonavia, and Quiver, 71, 118, 123, 142
edits Cassell's Magazine, 117
invents title of Little Folks, 124
on John Willis Clark, 71
Hunter, Dr. William, 187
recollections of John Cassell, 58
Hunter, Rev. Robert, 161, 165
Hutchings, W. W., and "English Writers," 162
Hutchings, W. W., author of "London Town, Past and Present," 169
on W. E. Henley, 217
reminiscences of John Williams, 73
Hutchinson, Dr. Woods, 188
Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan, 187
Hutchison, Dr. Robert, 187
Hutten, Baroness von, 220

"Illustrated Book of Poultry," 191
Illustrated Exhibitor, 17, 96
"Illustrated Family Bible," 32, 196
and cost of paper duty, 44
its world-wide reputation, 32
Illustrated Family Paper, 29
purchased by Petter and Galpin, 31
title changed to Cassell's Magazine, 114
Illustration, forty years of, 96 et seq.
"Imperial Germany," 204
Inch, Captain, of Volturno, 92, 93
Ingram, Herbert, and newspaper advertisement tax, 43
Innes, Arthur D., becomes Editor-in-Chief, 76
Ireland, Cassell visits, 44, 58
"Iron Pirate," 130, 219
Irvine, A. Bain, and the Waverley Book Company, 205, 206
"Island Nights' Entertainments," 216
Ives, Mr., and the three-colour process, 109

Jackson, Phipps, 97
James, Henry, 155
Japanese visitors to the Yard, 234
Japp, Dr., and "Treasure Island," 210
Jefferies, Richard, 99
Jellery, Henry, 65, 80; taken into partnership, 67, 81
Jellicoe, Viscount, 204
Jeune, Lady, 135
Jones, Bernard E., 89
and "Amateur Mechanic," 195
edits Work, 141