Page:The Story of the House of Cassell (book).djvu/296

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Murphy, Sir Shirley, 188
"Music, History of," 175
"Mysteries of Police and Crime," 185

Napoleon III visits the Yard, 55
"National Gallery, The," 201
"National Library, Cassell's," 81, 160
Arnold Bennett's reference to, 161
John Bright and, 161
success of, 161
National Temperance Society, 9
"Nation's Health," 188
"Nation's Pictures," 110
"Natural History, Cassell's," 190
Naumann, Emil, 175
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 135
"New Book of the Dog," 146
"New Far East," 179
New Magazine, 140
New York, John Cassell in, 45, 48
Newman, Sir George, 187
Newspaper advertisement duty, campaign against, 43
Newspaper stamp duty, 43
Nicholson, E. W. B., 175
North, J. W., 100, 106
"Notable Shipwrecks," 145
Noyes, Alfred, 220
Nursing and Hygiene, books on, 187, 203
Nuttall, Mrs. G. Clarke, 192

O'Brien, Barry, 155
"Old and New London," 20, 169
Ollier, Edmund, 144, 170
his memoir of Gustave Dore, 171
historical works, 171
Orczy, Baroness, 124, 220
Order for Honourable Service (Quiver), 122
Osbourne, Lloyd, 209, 210
and the "Pentland" Stevenson, 217
collaborates with R. L. S., 216
O'Shea, John Augustus, 142
"Ouida," 135
"Our Great City," 202
"Our Homes and How to Make them Healthy," 188
"Our Own Country," 169
"Our Own Times, History of," 80
"Our Planet, Story of," 190
Ouseley, Rev. Sir F. A. Gore, 175
"Outline of History, 175
Owen, Sir Richard, 165

Packet-tea merchant, Cassell as, 13
Page, Dr., American Ambassador, 93
Page, Gertrude, 124, 220
Paget, Wal, illustrates "Treasure Island," 212
Pain, Barry, 155, 219
Paper duty, abolished, 45
agitation against, 43 et seq.
Pare, Mr., 63, 64
Paris International Exhibition, 96
Parker, J. P., reminiscences, 7
Parnell, Charles Stewart, Life of, 185
Parry, D. H., 130, 172
recollections of the Yard, 141 et seq.
Parsons, Benjamin, 25
Paul, Herbert, 155
"Paul, St., Life of," 197
Payn, James, 155
Pegge, Samuel, 21
Pemberton, Max, and the origin of Chums, 129
as editor of Chums and Cassell's Magazine, 118
publishes "Iron Pirate," 219
Penderel-Brodhurst, J., 77, 155
Pennant, on the derivation of "La Belle Sauvage," 21
Penny Magazine, editors of, 94, 133
its raison d'être, 132
Pentland edition of Stevenson's works, 216
"People's Library," 87, 164
"Peoples of the World," 189
Perkins, Dr., and "Illustrated Family Bible," 32
Perris, G. H., 155
Peters, Charles, 143
Petroleum, Cassell's venture in, 57
Petter and Galpin, partnership with Cassell, 31, 32, 48, 54
remove to La Belle Sauvage, 32
Petter, George William, 63, 64 et seq.
his death, 68
reminiscences of, by Bonavia Hunt, 64