Page:The Story of the Jubilee Singers (7th).djvu/13

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While the "Story of the Jubilee Singers" has been passing through its six editions, the Singers themselves have continued steadily at their work. The "story" left them in the autumn of 1875 in the successful beginning of their second tour through Great Britain and Ireland; and this seventh edition goes to press just as they have won their first successes "on the Continent." Of this year and a half of effort the most notable fact is the success itself.

The imperative necessities of the University, created in part by the great success of their first three years of work, had compelled the trustees to reorganise the company, and send it the second time across the Atlantic in search of financial aid. But the enterprise was entered upon with hesitation and trembling. The results, however, have justified the most sanguine hopes. In the places which they had formerly visited, the Singers have universally received a hearty welcome and generous help; and the towns which they have visited for the first time have greeted their coming with an enthusiasm equal to that with which they were welcomed on their first concert tour.

As the financial results of this second visit, between eleven and twelve thousand pounds sterling have already