Page:The Story of the Jubilee Singers (7th).djvu/225

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No. 87. Hard Trials.

1. The foxes have holes in the ground,
   The birds have nests in the air,
   The Christians have a hiding-place,
   But we poor sinners have none;

Now ain't them hard trials,
ain't them hard trials?
I'm going to live with God!

2. Old Satan tempted Eve,
   And Eve, she tempted Adam;
   And that's why the sinner has to pray so hard
   To get his sins forgiven.

3. Oh, Methodist, Methodist is my name,
   Methodist till I die;
   I'll be baptized on the Methodist side,
   And a Methodist will I die.

4. Oh, Baptist, Baptist is my name,
   Baptist till I die;
   I'll be baptized on the Baptist side,
   And a Baptist will I die.

5. While marching on the road,
   A hunting for a home,
   You had better stop your different names,
   And travel on to God.