Page:The Story of the Jubilee Singers (7th).djvu/262

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The Jubilee Singers are now completing a tour of eight weeks in the Netherlands, which constitutes one of the most interesting chapters in the history of the Singers—a history which has been beautifully characterised as a "romance of Providence and grace."

With the exception of the successful concert given at Geneva in August last, during the summer rest, at which Père Hyacinth presided, this is the first experiment among a people who do not speak the English language.

A concert tour on the continent had often been considered and discussed, and was regarded as one of the future possibilities; but success seemed very doubtful, and those having the responsibility had not decided to venture upon the experiment. But in His own time, by a signal providence, the way was opened up by Him whose guiding hand had so constantly led the Singers in the midst of perplexity and uncertainty.

A few days after the public inauguration of the