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A Set of 10 Volumes, each with Photogravure Frontispiece, and Map, large crown 8vo., cloth, 5 s. each.

The completion of the Sixtieth year of the Queen's reign will be the occasion of ranch retrospect and review, in the course of which the great men who, under the auspices of Her Majesty and her predecessors, have helped to make the British Empire what it is to-day, will naturally be brought to mind. Hence the idea of the present series. These biographies, concise but full, popular but authoritative, have been designed with the view of giving in each case an adequate picture of the builder in relation to his work.

The series will be under the general editorship of Mr. H. F. Wilson, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and now private secretary to the Right Hon. J. Chamberlain at the Colonial Office. Each volume will be placed in competent hands, and will contain the best portrait obtainable of its subject, and a map showing his special contribution to the Imperial edifice. The first to appear will be a Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, by Major Hume, the learned author of "The Year after the Armada." Others in contemplation will deal with the Cabots, the quarter-centenary of whose sailing from Bristol is has recently been celebrated in that city, as well as in Canada and Newfoundland; Sir Thomas Maitland, the "King Tom" of the Mediterranean; Rajah Brooke, Sir Stamford Raffles, Lord Clive, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Zachary Macaulay, &c., &c.

The Series has taken for its motto the Miltonic prayer : — "Thou Who of Thy free grace didst build up this Brittanick Empire to a glorious and sensible height. With all her Daughter Islands about her. stay us in this felicitie."

  1. SIR WALTER RALEIGH. By Martin A. S. Hume, Author of "The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth," &c.
  2. SIR THOMAS MAITLAND; the Mastery of the Mediterranean. By Walter Frewen Lord.
  3. JOHN CABOT AND HIS SONS; the Discovery of North America. By C. Raymond Beazley, M.A.
  4. EDWARD GIBBON WAKEFIELD; the Colonisation of South Australia and New Zealand. By R. Garnett, C.B., L.L.D.
  5. LORD CLIVE; the Foundation of British Rule in India. By Sir A. J. Arbuthnot, K.C.S.I., C.I.E.

RAJAH BROOKE; the Englishman as Ruler of an Eastern State. By Sir Spenser St. John, G.C.M.G. ADMIRAL PHILIP; the Founding of New South Wales. By Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery. STAMFORD RAFFLES; England in the Far East. By the Editor.

11 Paternoster Buildings, London, E.C. bb