Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 1).djvu/516

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Age 6.
From a Photo. by J. S. Lonsdale.
Age 18.
From a Photo. by Elliott & Fry.

AAT the age of six,
Present Day
From a Photo. by Elliott & Fry.
the age at which she is represented in our first portrait, Miss Mary Rorke had not yet made her appearance on the state, but at eight she played Sybil in "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" with an amateur company—which was the rôle, as the readers of our last number will remember, in which little Miss Marion Terry first appeared before the public, and in which Miss Mary Rorke was equally successful. At eighteen, at which age our second portrait represents her, Miss Rorke was appearing on the London stage as Galatea—the character which has been associated with the names of so many fascinating actresses on their first appearance, and in which, of all others, grace, beauty, and intelligence such as Miss Mary Rorke's tell most effectively. Mrs. Frank St. Aubyn, which is Miss Rorke's married name, has since become well known and popular at many theatres and in many parts.

We are indebted to the kindness of Miss Mary Rorke for permission to reproduce the above interesting series of portraits.