Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 3).djvu/170

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Born 1831.

Age 19.
From a Daguerrotype.
Age 31.
From a Photo. by L. Bing.
Age 40.
From a Photo. by C. Watkins.
Age 60.
From a Photo. by Barraud.

G EORGE MANVILLE FENN, who has been spoken of as one of the most voluminous writers of the day, was born at Westminster, and his first short stories appeared in Once a Week. These were followed by others in All the Year Round, Chambers's Journal, and by a considerable number of graphic working-class sketches in The Evening Star, under the comprehensive title of "Readings by Starlight." His pen soon began to take longer flights, and some twenty-five three-volume and fifty one-volume novels have appeared with more or less success, this author's works being even more widely read in Australia and the United States than in England. Among the best known works may be mentioned "The Parson o' Dumford," "This Man's Wife," and "The New Mistress." During the past ten years Mr. Fenn has devoted no little time to the production of boys' stories. These have been very popular, and have made for him a wide and ever-increasing circle of readers. As Mr. Fenn's works show, he is a great lover of out-door life and natural history, beside devoting a good deal of time to experimental gardening.