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question I have no doubt many of you are asking as you come to the end of the college year or the college course. It has cost father in many cases more cold cash than he could well afford, and it has cost mother some heart aches and no little sacrifice I guarantee, and it has cost or is costing you some struggle of one sort or another and some of the best years of your life.

Has it been worth while? That depends.

"I traveled a straight road when I was a freshman" I heard a '17 man say a few days ago, "but I've learned a few things this year, believe me." But as I listened unwillingly to the vulgar detail I knew that the money was wasted, and the time lost, and the years not worth while.

What is the test? It isn't always high grades; I've known a lot of decent fellows who flunked Math. 9 or who couldn't get by Chem. 13a, and one of the worst bums I ever knew made an honorary society. It isn't always college activities, for sometimes