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[For the puipoae of oonciseness in the citation of books most frequently quoted, the following abbreviations have been used in the notes.]

J. Q. Adams, Memoirs of John Quincy Adams (1874-1877), edited by Charles Francis Adams, 12 vob.

J. Q. Adxuns^ Writings, The Writings of John Quincy Adams (1913-1915), edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford, 7 vols.

day. The Works of Henry Clay (1904), edited by Calvin Colton, Federal edition, 10 vols.

Curtis, The Life and Writings of Benjamin Robbins Curtis, LL.D. (1879), edited by Benjamin R. Curtis, 2 vols.

Hamilton, The Works of Alexander Hamilton (1904), edited by Henry Cabot Lodge, 12 vols.

Hamilton (Lodge's ed.). The Works of Alexander Hamilton (1885-1886), edited by Henry Cabot Lodge, 9 vols.

Hamilton (J. C. Hamilton's ed.). The Works of Alexander Hamilton (1850-1851), edited by John Church Hamilton, 7 vols.

Iredell, Life and Correspondence of James IredeU (1858), edited by Griffith John McRee, 2 vob.

Jay, The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay (1890-1898), edited by Henry Phelps Johnston, 4 vols.

Jefferson, The Works of Thomas Jefferson (1904-1908), edited by Paul Leicester Ford, 12 vols.

Jefferson (A. C. Lipscomb ed.). The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (1908-1904), edited by Andrew C. Lipscomb, 20 vols.

Jefferson (H. A. Washington ed.). The Writings of Thom^is Jefferson (1858-1854), edited by Henry Augustine Washington, 9 vols.

King, The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King (1894-1900), edited by Charles Ray King, 6 vols.

Madison, The Writings of James Madison (1906-1910), edited by Gaillard Himt, 9 vols.

Madison (1865), Letters and Other Writings of James Madison (1865), published by order of Congress, 4 vob.

Marshall, Life of John Marshall (1916-1919), by Albert Jeremiah Beveridge, 4 vob.