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suspected has done this thing, still I am sure he must have a way in and out.

"So now I go back to my own room in that boarding house where I find that box, and I lie down upon my bed. I said to myself: 'Max, you are in Java, and you are the man hafing an almost disappearing one whom you may teach things. In the tower of the Soesoehoenan iss the Surakarta. Somehow you have come to know the manibulations of the box in which the emerald iss kept, and you haf made one like it so you can teach the disappearing one. Now, think what more you will do.'

"And I thought: 'There iss no window or opening of any kind into the room where the emerald iss except a door; and whenever that door iss opened there iss a strong guard whose eyes are sharp enough to see the dis-