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with his last sickness; so it is for his favorite son he sends, to give him the great emerald which is the sign of the sovereignty of Surakarta. It is to Oxford he sends for his son—a young man only a little over twenty, tall, straight; not only a prince, but in his eyes that look which comes from seeing the great world. It is no surprise that at sight of him the beautiful eyes of Alarna are filled with all such thoughts as young girls have, and that gladly she becomes his wife—the favorite—to whom alone with the Soesoehoenan is known the secret to open the box of the emerald. But now pass a few years."

Baraka made a broad gesture, as though dismissing the years into eternity.

"But now pass a few years," he repeated. "You know what happen. Miss Regan comes; perhaps already the Soesoehoenan