Page:The Surviving Works of Sharaku (1939).djvu/264

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that this print should be placed on the right of the preceding one and that the two form the surviving portions of what once was a triptych. Attention once more is invited to the cherry blossoms in the design of Noshio’s costume in 102 as well as here, and to the chrysanthemum design in the robe worn by Kikunojō in numbers 103 and 106.

The coloring of the costume is faded rose, faded violet, black and white. The foreground and the tree trunk are yellow.

The impression of the subject that we exhibit is the only one in America and is the one reproduced in the Vignier-Inada Catalogue, number 301, Rumpf 105, and by Noguchi.

Hosoye. Slightly grayish ground with branches above. Signed: Sharaku.

Museum of Fine Arts (Spaulding Collection).