Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/101

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ingenuous ones at a distance, they shun them, and appeal to themselves to crawl away from them like serpents.

They who have regarded adulteries as abominable, and have lived in the chaste love of marriage, are beyond all others in the order and form of heaven, and thence in all beauty, and forever remain in the bloom of youth. The delights of their love are ineffable, and increase throughout eternity; for all the delights and joys of heaven flow into that love, because it descends from the conjunction of the Lord with heaven and the church, and in general from the conjunction of good and truth; which conjunction is heaven itself in general, and with every individual angel in particular. Their external delights are such as no human language can describe.

But these are only a few of the things which have been revealed to me concerning the correspondences of the delights with those who are in heavenly love.

From the things here related it may be known that the delights of all after death are turned into corresponding ones, the love itself still remaining to eternity; as conjugial love, the love of what is just, sincere, good and true, the love of the sciences and of knowledges, the love of intelligence and wisdom, and all other loves. The things which flow from love like streams from their fountain, are delights, which also are permanent, but exalted to a superior degree, when from natural delights they are raised to spiritual.