Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/115

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character was when in the world; for he then acts from his proprinm. He who was interiorly in good in the world, then acts rationally and wisely,—more wisely indeed than in the world, because he is released from his connection with the body, and consequently with terrestrial things which caused obscurity, and as it were interposed a cloud.

But he who was in evil in the world, then acts foolishly and insanely,—more insanely indeed than he did in the world, because he is in freedom and under no restraint. For when he lived in the world, he was sane in externals, since he thereby assumed the appearance of a rational man. Therefore when his externals are removed from him, his insanities are revealed.

A bad man who in externals puts on the semblance of a good one, may be compared to a vessel exteriorly bright and polished, and covered with a lid, within which is concealed every kind of filth; according to the Lord's declaration: "Ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of the bones of the dead, and of all uncleanness," Matt, xxiii. 27.

All who have lived in good in the world, and have acted from conscience,—who are those that have acknowledged the Divine and have loved divine truths, especially those who have applied them to life,—appear to themselves, when let into the state of their interiors, like persons who are awakened out