Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/118

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their exteriors would at length burn with a fire similar to that which rages in their interiors, and this would consume all their life.


When spirits are in this second state, they appear altogether such as they were in themselves when in the world; and the things which they did and spoke in concealment are also published. For then, being no longer restrained by external considerations, they say similar things openly, and likewise endeavor to do similar things, having no fear for their reputation as in the world. They are then also brought into many states of their own evils, that their true character may appear to angels and good spirits. Thus hidden things are laid open, and secret things are uncovered, according to the Lord's words: "There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed, neither hid which shall not be known: what ye have said in darkness, shall be heard in the light, and what ye have spoken into the ear in closets, shall be preached upon the house-tops," Luke xii. 2, 3. And in another place: "I say unto you, whatsoever idle word men have spoken, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment," Matt. xii. 36.

What sort of beings the wicked are in this state, cannot be described in a few words; for every one then is insane according to his lusts, and these are