Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/120

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Those of this class who have been of the Roman Catholic religion are more insane than the rest; for they are possessed with the notion that heaven and hell are subject to their power, and that they can remit sins at pleasure. They arrogate to themselves every divine attribute, and call themselves Christ. Their persuasion that all this is true, is so strong, that wherever it flows in, it disturbs the mind and induces a darkness that is even painful. These spirits are nearly the same in both states, but in the second they are without rationality. But concerning their insanities, and concerning their lot after they have passed through this state, some particulars will be related in the little work concerning the Last Judgment and the Destruction of Babylon.

They who have ascribed creation to nature, and hence in heart, though not with the lips, have denied the Divine, consequently all things of the church and of heaven, consociate themselves with their like in this state, and call every one a god who excels in craftiness, even worshipping him with divine honor. I have seen such spirits assembled together, adoring a magician, debating about nature, and behaving like fools, as if they were beasts under a human form. Among them also were some who in the world had been exalted to posts of dignity, and some who had been reputed learned and wise. So in other instances.

From these few examples it may be concluded