Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/126

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THE third state of man after death, or of his spirit, is a state of instruction. This state is experienced by those who go to heaven and become angels; but not by those who go to hell, since these cannot be instructed. Therefore the second state of these latter is likewise their third, which ends in their being altogether turned to their own love, thus to the infernal society which is in similar love. When this takes place, they think and will from that love; and because that love is infernal, they will nothing but what is evil and think nothing but what is false, these things being delightful to them because they are objects of their love; and hence they reject everything good and true, which they had before adopted because it served as a means of gratifying their love.

But the good are brought from the second state into the third, which is the state of their preparation for heaven, by means of instruction. For no one can be prepared for heaven except by the knowledges of good and truth, that is, except by instruction; for no one can know what spiritual good and