Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/130

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they are dispersed, truths cannot be seen, thus cannot be received.

All who are in places of instruction dwell in distinct classes; for every one of them is interiorly connected with the society of heaven which he is soon to enter. And since the societies of heaven are arranged according to the heavenly form, so likewise are the places where the instructions are given. Therefore when viewed from heaven, these places appear like heaven in a lesser form. They extend lengthwise from east to west, and breadthwise from south to north; but the breadth, to appearance, is less than the length.

The arrangements in general are as follows: In front are those who died when they were infants, and have been educated in heaven to the period of early youth; these, after passing the state of infancy with their instructresses there, are brought thither by the Lord and instructed. Behind them, are the places where those are instructed who died adults, and who in the world were in the affection of truth from the good of life. Behind these, are such as have professed the Mohammedan religion, and in the world led a moral life, and acknowledged one Divine, and the Lord as the Great Prophet. These, when they withdraw from Mohammed because he is not able to help them, approach the Lord and worship Him, and acknowledge his Divine, and then are instructed in the Christian religion. Behind these, more to the