Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/14

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various subjects treated of;—references to the particular works whence the extracts are taken, being uniformly added.

The purpose of the proposed series is, to meet a growing popular want, by presenting in a neat, compact and inexpensive form, such portions of the teachings of this enlightened author as seem best suited to the general reader. It is believed that the essential features and vital portions of the new theology can be compressed within the compass of ten or twelve small volumes; and that the selections can be so made that the volumes shall present a full and clear view of the new doctrines and philosophy, be better adapted to the mass of American readers than the unabridged works, and at the same time be furnished at a price not exceeding one-fourth the cost of these latter. To realize this expectation, or justify this belief, will be the effort of the Editor, as it is the desire of the Association under whose auspices the series is issued.

Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1875.