Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/157

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From these representations it was made still more evident, that outwardly the wicked lead the same kind of life as the good, or go in the same way, thus one as easily as the other; and yet that they who acknowledge the Divine from the heart, especially they within the church who acknowledge the Divine of the Lord, are led to heaven, and they who do not, are conveyed to hell.

The thoughts of man, which proceed from his intention or will, are represented in the other life by ways. Ways are also presented there to appearance in perfect agreement with the thoughts from intention; and every one likewise walks in them according to his thoughts which proceed from intention. Hence it is that the character of spirits, and of their thoughts, is known from their ways.

From these things it was also made evident what is meant by the Lord's words: "Enter ye in through the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way which leads to destruction, and many there are who walk in it; but strait the gate and narrow the way which leads to life, and few there be who find it," Matt. vii. 13, 14. The way which leads to life is narrow, not because it is difficult, but because there are few who find it, as it is said.

From that stone seen in the corner where the broad and common way terminated, and from which two ways were seen leading in opposite directions, it was made evident what is signified by these words