Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/173

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I have not been permitted to see what is the form of hell itself in general; I have only been told that, as the universal heaven in one complex resembles one man, so the universal hell in one complex resembles one devil, and may also be presented in the effigy of one devil. But I have often seen the specific form of the hells or infernal societies; for at their openings which are called the gates of hell, there usually appears a monster that represents in general the form of those who are within. The inhumanity of those who dwell there is then at the same time represented by things shocking and horrible, which I forbear to mention.

It is, however, to be observed that such is the appearance of infernal spirits when seen in the light of heaven; but among themselves they appear like men. This is of the Lord's mercy, that they may not appear as loathsome to each other as they do to the angels. But this appearance is a fallacy; for as soon as a ray of light from heaven is let in, their human forms are turned into monstrous ones, such as they are in reality, as described above. For in the light of heaven everything appears as it really is.

Hence it is, too, that they shun the light of heaven, and cast themselves down into their own lumen, which is like the light from ignited coals, and in some cases like that from burning sulphur. But this lumen is also turned into utter darkness as soon any light from heaven flows in upon it. Hence it is