Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/191

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ciety which is restrained by no external bonds, such as the fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, honor, gain and life, then every one from the impulse of his own evil attacks his fellows, and as far as he is able subjugates them, and brings the rest under his control, and takes delight in exercising cruelty toward those who do not submit. This delight is intimately conjoined with the delight of tyrannous rule, insomuch that they exist in a similar degree; since the delight of doing injury is inherent in enmity, envy, hatred and revenge, which are the evils of that love, as was said above.

All the hells are societies of this description. Therefore every one there cherishes hatred in his heart toward every other one; and from hatred breaks out into savage cruelties toward him, so far as he obtains the mastery. These cruelties and the torment which they cause, are also meant by infernal fire; for they are the effects of infernal lusts. (H. H. 566-573.)