Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/226

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There is another convention in the western quarter near the north, whose business is the intromission of the credulous vulgar into heaven. There they dispose around them a number of societies which live in various external jollities. In some of the societies they play, in some they dance, in some they compose the face into the various expressions of hilarity and mirthfulness; in some they converse in a friendly way; in some they discuss civil, in others religious matters; in other societies, again, they talk obscenities; and so on. They admit their dependents into such of these societies as each may desire, and call it heaven; but all of them, after being there a few hours, are wearied and depart because those joys are external and not internal. In this way, moreover, many are withdrawn from a belief in their doctrinal concerning intromission into heaven.

As regards their worship in particular, it is almost like their worship in the world. As in the world it consists in masses, not performed in the common language of spirits, but in one composed of high-sounding words which induce an external devoutness and awe, and are utterly unintelligible. In like manner they adore saints, and expose idols to view. But their saints are nowhere to be seen; for all those who have sought to be worshiped as gods, are in hell; the rest who did not seek it, are among common spirits. This their prelates know, for they seek and find them; and when found they despise them. Yet