Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/236

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dominion, and of keeping the people in ignorance, and thence in blind obedience, were not cast into that black sea, but into a gulf which yawned into length and depth beneath and around them. Such was the accomplishment of the last judgment upon the Babylonians in the southern quarter.

But the last judgment upon those in the Western and Northern Quarters, where the great city stood, was thus effected: After great earthquakes which rent everything in those quarters to the very foundations (see Matthew xxiv. 7; Luke xxi. 11; Apoc. vi. 12; viii. 5; xi. 13; xvi. 18; and the prophesies of the Old Testament, which do not refer to any earthquakes in this world), an east wind went forth, . . despoiling the whole region; first that part of it in front of the western quarter where the people of the dark ages dwelt underground; and afterwards the great city which extended from that quarter quite through the north to the east, and laid it bare so utterly that all things were exposed to view. But because there were not such riches there, no eruption and sulphurous treasure-consuming fire were seen, but mere overturn and destruction, and at length exhalation of the whole into smoke; for the east wind went forth continually, blowing to and fro; it overthrew and destroyed all things, and blew them clean away. The monks and common people were led forth to the number of many myriads; some were cast into the black sea, on that side of it which faces