Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/240

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after passing a certain time in the world of spirits, they are carried to their own places.

They therefore who profane holy things, that is, who claim for themselves the power of opening and shutting heaven, and of remitting sins (which power belongs to the Lord alone), and who place Papal bulls on an equality with the Word, and have dominion for an end, are henceforth carried away into that black sea, or into those gulfs which are the hells of profaners. But it was declared to me from heaven that those of that religion who are of such a nature, do not look at all to the life after death, because they deny it in their hearts; but look solely to the life in the world; and that hence they care not a straw for this lot of theirs after death, which yet is to endure to eternity, but laugh at it as a thing of nought. (L. J. n. 53-64.)