Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/243

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The first heaven was composed of all upon whom the last judgment was executed; for it was not executed upon those in hell, nor those in heaven, nor those in the world of spirits, nor upon any who were yet living in this world; but solely upon those who had made to themselves the likeness of a heaven, of whom the greater part were on mountains and rocks. These also were they whom the Lord meant by the goats which He placed on the left (Matt. xxv. 32, 33).

Hence it may be seen that the first heaven existed not merely from Christians, but also from Mahometans and Gentiles who had all formed to themselves such heavens in their own places. . . They were those who lived in the world in external and never in internal sanctity; who were just and sincere for the sake of civil and moral laws, but not for the sake of Divine laws; who were external or natural therefore, and not internal or spiritual men; who were also in the doctrinals of the church, and able to teach them, but whose lives were not accordant with them; and who filled various offices and performed uses, but not for the sake of uses.

These, and all throughout the whole world who were like them, and lived after the Lord's coming, constituted the first heaven. This heaven therefore was such as the world and church upon earth is among those who do good, not because it is good