Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/263

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PUBLICATIONS OF E. CLAXTON & CO. "The Swedenborg Library." The increasing interest in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, coupled with a growing demand for the substance of his teachings in a concise form, induced the "Swedenborg Publishing Association" of Philadelphia to undertake the preparation of a series of works under the above title, the general plan and purpose of which, as stated in the Editor's Preface to Volume I., are as follows : — " These volumes will consist of extracts from the theological writings of the Swedish seer, so arranged as to make each volume complete in itself, and to give the reader a clear idea of the author's views and teachings on the various subjects treated. " The purpose of the proposed series is, to meet a growing popular want, by presenting in a neat, compact, and inexpensive form, such por- tions of the teachings of this enlightened author as seem best suited to the general reader. It is believed that the essential features and vital portions of the New Theology can be compressed within the compass of ten or twelve small volumes." The volumes average about 250 pages, 12mo. Their titles are :— Vol. 1. Death, Resurrection, and the Judgment. 2. Heaven. 3. Freedom, Rationality, and Catholicity. 4. Divine Providence and its Laws. 5. Charity, Faith, and Works. 6. Free-Will, Repentance, Reformation, and Regenera- tion. 7. Holy Scripture and the Key to its Spiritual Sense. 8. Creation, Incarnation, Redemption, and the Divine Trinity. 9. Marriage and the Sexes in both Worlds. 10. The Author's Memorabilia. 11. The Heavenly Doctrine of the Lord. 12. Swedenborg: with a Compend of his Teachings. Sent (post-paid) to any address on receipt of price (50 cts. a volume — except Vol. 12, which is 75 cts.).