Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/36

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To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise (Luke xxiii. 43).—N. J. D. 225-227.


How resuscitation is effected has not only been told me, but also shown me by living experience. I was myself the subject of that experience, in order that I might fully comprehend the process.

I was brought into a state of insensibility as to the bodily senses, thus nearly into the state of dying persons; while yet the interior life and the faculty of thought remained entire, so that I could perceive and retain in memory the things which transpired, and which happen to those who are being raised up from the dead. I perceived that the respiration of the body was almost taken away, while the interior respiration, which is that of the spirit, remained conjoined with a gentle and tacit respiration of the body. There was then opened, in the first place, a communication as to the pulse of the heart with the celestial kingdom, since that kingdom corresponds to the heart with man. Angels from that kingdom were also visible; some were at a distance, and two were seated near my head. Thereby all affection proper to myself was taken away, but thought and perception still remained. I was in this state for some hours.

The spirits who were around me then withdrew, supposing that I was dead. There was also perceived